We like to make use of the PC audio device for data acquisition. Here we'll do some testing to understand the capability. Most of the recent laptops have only one 3.5mm 4-contact jack; the connection is normally tip: left audio, 1st ring: right audio, 2nd ring: return, sleeve: microphone input. The common 3-contact headphone plug shorts out the microphone input. The microphone input supplies a small current to power microphones with a FET amplifier. For the laptop that I have, the open circuit microphone input voltage is 3.168V and short circuit current 1.46mA; the source impedance is about 2K Ohm. A typical microphone draws about 0.15mA.
Python sounddevice module can be used for acquiring the signal from the microphone input. The output seems to be limited to [-1, 1]. The microphone properties settings of output level and boost affect the gain. For 100 output level and 10dB boost, the gain seems to be x50; 20mVpp input has value of 1 peak-to-peak and above 40mVpp input returns 2 peak-to-peak. Interestingly, although the output is limited to [-1, 1], it does not show clipping effect. We do a frequency sweep from 20Hz to 20KHz and look at the power spectrum density. The sample rate is 96KHz.